2023-2024 Marjorie Gawley Award recipient: Amelia Digaletos

Amelia was chosen as a recipient of the Marjorie Gawley award for the following aspects of her teaching practice:
*having an extraordinary ability to engage students in the learning process by crafting lesson plans that were not only educational but also captivating and relevant
*using innovative teaching methods that included integrating multimedia resources and interactive activities, which significantly enhanced students’ comprehension and enjoyment of the subject matter.
*actively seeking feedback from mentors and peers and continuously refining teaching strategies to achieve better outcomes
*contributing to the broader school community by participating in extracurricular activities and offering time and expertise to support school events
About Amelia: After completing three successful practicums all within the Eastern Townships School Board (ETSB), I have happily accepted a position as a Cycle 2 Culture and Citizenship in Québec teacher for my first year at ETSB. I am excited to bring my personal teaching philosophy—centered on lifelong learning, equitable and inclusive education and engaging learning opportunities— to this new role. I am looking forward to growing my professional skills while also covering the curriculum with a strong ethic of care, especially when discussing sensitive topics. While my long-term goal is to teach English Language Arts at the secondary level, I feel incredibly fortunate and optimistic starting with this new program and hope to contribute to its success and development from the ground up.
The ATEQ Board wishes to congratulate Amelia for receiving the award and wishes her nothing but success in the future.
2022-2023 Marjorie Gawley Award recipients: Jesse Hawco and Gloria Sutharman
This year’s recipients of the Marjorie Gawley Award are Jesse Hawco (Elementary) and Gloria Sutharman (Secondary).

Jesse was chosen as a recipient of the Marjorie Gawley award for several aspects of her teaching practice:
* wanting to help each and every student succeed and is determined to be the change we wish to see in education
* going above and beyond to create lessons that are engaging and interactive
* helping to ignite passion in the classroom for students and colleagues alike
* bringing fresh new ideas to and and taking risks in the classroom
About Jesse: I have just completed my degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education at Concordia University, with a minor in Teaching English as a Second Language. I am so excited to begin teaching Grade 1 in the fall, and get to apply my knowledge that I learned throughout the program and my various placements!

Gloria was chosen as a recipient of the Marjorie Gawley award for the following aspects of her teaching practice:
* developing a creative point system using a detective journal and a read-a-thon to encourage student participation
* Gloria’s sensitivity to students, especially towards those who struggled with shyness, offering them alternate ways to participate
* being reflective and providing feedback to students in a timely fashion
* creating a safe and welcoming atmosphere that was dynamic through Gloria’s use of tech and multimedia
* volunteering in several school clubs, joining the school newspaper and participating in field trips and fundraisers

About Gloria: I have been teaching for six years since I first became a certified tutor at John Abbott CEGEP in 2017. I enjoyed that experience and later applied to McGill’s Bachelor of Secondary English program, where I completed four internships. I work as a substitute teacher for the Lester B. Pearson school board and the English Montreal school board. My second teachable subject is history, and I have also taught ethics and leadership. I look forward to learning more throughout my new teaching experiences this upcoming fall!
2021-2022 Marjorie Gawley Award recipient: Zelia Carnevale

The 2021-2022 recipient of the Marjorie Gawley Award is Zelia Carnevale, a fourth year student at McGill who recently completed an internship at Perspectives II High School in Montreal. Zelia chose to intern at Perspectives II because she wants to work with at-risk youth and has personally experienced how a teacher can inspire and change the course of a person’s life. As teacher, Zelia is diligent at forming authentic and meaningful bonds with students and has proven her commitment to the EMSB Outreach community by preparing several students for the EMSB Speak Up! Spoken Word Competition as well as an end-of-year performance at James Lyng High School.

About the Marjorie Gawley Award:
This award is a bursary for pre-service teachers in the final year of their certification program in either Early Childhood, Elementary or Secondary education, and who are training to teach English Language Arts (ELA). There are two bursaries available, each of $500; typically, one bursary is awarded at the primary (K-6) level and the other at the secondary level.
Marjorie Gawley was an outstanding educator and pedagogue who gave Quebec teachers their first ELA curricula in the early 1980s. She believed in the highest standards of excellence in the teaching of ELA. She is also remembered for her commitment to the educational community she served; Marjorie founded our annual English Language Arts conference, Springboards, sat on the Board of Directors of ATEQ together with numerous other professional organizations, and worked closely with ELA teachers and teacher educators throughout her career. She was a passionate crusader for the creation of teaching communities, the importance of dialogue among educators, and the right of every student to an education that opened up possibilities for them to realize their dreams.
Candidates must demonstrate excellent leadership skills in their pre-service program. The leadership qualities deemed most desirable are those that demonstrate a commitment to enriching the professional lives of their fellow students and the environment in which they are pursuing their degree.
ATEQ reserves the right to withdraw the bursary, in whole or in part, in any given year, should suitable candidates be lacking. As well, ATEQ reserves the right to choose to award the bursary to two K-6 or secondary pre-service education students rather than splitting the bursaries between K-6 and secondary should the suitable candidates merit such a decision.